What Types of Grass Are Available in Sod Form?

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For homeowners and landscape professionals seeking instant lawn gratification, sod offers a swift, satisfying solution. Rather than starting from bare ground or weedy grass and waiting weeks for seed to slowly germinate, sod provides immediate vibrant green coverage. Sod consists of cultivated strips or sheets of turfgrass grown on soil. The sod can be harvested, transported, and unrolled onto prepared beds for quick installation. Within days, the transplanted sod mat establishes living grass plants and intact roots ready to thrive in place.

This instant lawn solution saves the time and effort required for proper seedbed preparation, seeding, gentle irrigation, and weeks of impatient waiting. Sod allows bypassing the finicky grass seed germination process and going straight to the finished product – lush green lawn. This convenience and instant aesthetic appeal makes sod a popular choice for homeowners, golf courses, sports fields, commercial sites, and public spaces aiming for flawless turf cover. However, not all sod is equal. The specific grass variety you select as sod makes all the difference in the long-term success of your lawn.

Choosing a grass type well-suited to your climate, intended use, soil attributes, and maintenance expectations is the key to achieving sodding success. Read on for an in-depth look at the major warm season and cool season grass options available as sod, along with some specialty and regional turfgrass varieties to consider.

Bermuda, zoysia, St. Augustine, centipede, Kentucky bluegrass, tall fescue, perennial rye, and fine fescue are common grasses available as sod. Specialty sods like buffalograss or bentgrass may also be options in some areas.

Warm Season Grasses for Sod

In the southern half of the U.S. where summers bring intense heat and humidity, warm season grasses are the top performers. Their peak growth occurs during hot summer months, while they go dormant and tan or brown after first frost in late fall until green-up again in spring. Warm season choices like Bermuda, zoysia, St. Augustine, centipede, and bahiagrass make great sod solutions from California to Florida and up the coast to New Jersey.

Bermuda Grass Sod

Known for its tolerance of heat, drought, salt, and heavy traffic, Bermuda grass consistently ranks as a top warm season turf performer. Bermuda thrives across the southern states from southern California to the Carolinas. Its aggressive above-ground stolons spread rapidly across bare ground or into existing turf, quickly establishing a dense mat of sod coverage. Bermuda makes an excellent sports field or golf course turf when regularly mowed and maintained. For home lawns, Bermuda sod requires far less water, mowing, and fertilizing compared to other grass varieties. Just adjust expectations when its vibrant green summer color fades to tan after frost.

Zoysia Grass Sod

Finely bladed zoysia grass excels at forming a lush, elegant carpet-like sod lawn when provided time to fully establish. Its dense mat of low-growing foliage chokes out weeds while tolerating heat, humidity, and some foot traffic. Excellent winter hardiness keeps zoysia greener later into the fall than other warm season grasses. Patience is required, as zoysia spreads slower by underground rhizomes rather than above-ground stolons like Bermuda. Frequent precision mowing and proper watering ensures zoysia sod fills in thick and lush. ‘Meyer’ is a popular zoysia cultivar, but improved seeded varieties like ‘Zenith’ and ‘Innovation’ are also available.

St. Augustine Grass Sod

The broad, flat blades and vivid blue-green hue of St. Augustine give it a distinctive tropical appearance. This lush turf thrives with ample heat, humidity, and moisture across the southern U.S. Frost susceptibility makes it unsuitable for northern zones, but St. Augustine flourishes across the Gulf coastal plain into subtropical Florida. It fills in quickly and vigorously when installed as sod but requires substantial water and fertilizer inputs to reach its full potential. Regular mowing and prompt disease treatment are musts. Traffic tolerance makes St. Augustine a great choice for family-friendly lawns.

Centipede Grass Sod

Centipede is a low-maintenance, low-input sod option well-suited to acidic soils in warmer climates. Its light green color and medium leaf texture make centipede appear less lush than other grasses. Widely adapted, centipede tolerates partial shade and needs far less fertilizer than St Augustine or zoysia, but still requires frequent mowing during peak growing seasons. This cost-effective, reduced-care sod solution adapts well to large or low-traffic areas of lawns across the Southeast and Mid-Atlantic.

Bahiagrass Sod

Common across the southern coastal plains from Texas to the Carolinas, bahiagrass persists even in sandy or salty soils. Its extensive root system reaches deep for moisture, while upright foliage handles summer heat. Cold winters limit its utility northward. Best suited to pastures, roadsides, or budget-minded lawns, bahiagrass requires much lower inputs than other warm season turf options. A great choice for rural areas and large spaces needing year-round groundcover with minimal upkeep.

Top Cool Season Grasses for Sod

In northern states, cool season grasses thrive in lower temperatures with adequate rainfall and shorter summer day lengths. Varieties like Kentucky bluegrass, tall fescue, and perennial ryegrass provide lush green sod options for lawns in cooler climates. Their active growth occurs in spring and fall, with reduced needs and frost dormancy in winter months. Color, texture, and mowing demands vary widely between the different cool season grass types.

Kentucky Bluegrass Sod

Celebrated as the classic northern lawn grass, few cool season varieties match Kentucky bluegrass for producing flawless sod. Its emerald green color, soft fine texture, and lush dense growth habit make for turf perfection. Kentucky bluegrass needs significant care and inputs to look its best, including frequent mowing, heavy watering, soil enrichment, and overseeding for thickness. For beauty and playability, few other northern grasses compare. Improved cultivars like Midnight, Aspire, and Blue Note enhance disease resistance and color.

Tall Fescue Sod

The deep roots and bunching growth habit of tall fescue give it good drought and heat tolerance for a cool season grass. A lush medium-fine leaf texture and rich green color make for attractive sod. As a clump-forming grass, tall fescue withstands moderate traffic and resists certain diseases that plague other species. Mowing and fertilization needs exceed fine fescues but remain lower than for bluegrass. Newer cultivars improve color, density, and disease resistance. A great choice for both sunny and shaded areas.

Perennial Ryegrass Sod

In northern climes, perennial ryegrass makes outstanding sod thanks to its swift germination and establishment. Fine-bladed with a rich green sheen, its classy appearance arises quickly after sodding. But fast growth means more frequent mowing and substantial irrigation needs. While tolerant of cool weather, perennial ryegrass lacks the peak summer performance of tall fescue and bluegrass in warmer zones. It makes an ideal companion grass for overseeding lawns or sports fields. Improved cultivars like Accent, Caddyshack, and Legendary offer superior density and color.

Fine Fescue Sod

When a lower maintenance lawn alternative is desired, fine fescues like red, chewings, and hard fescue excel. Their thin leaves and clumping growth habit deliver a pleasing medium-green turf with minimal input needs once established. Fine fescues tolerate shade and require much less mowing, water, and fertilizer than other cool season grasses. Blending fine fescues with small percentages of Kentucky bluegrass or perennial ryegrass creates an attractive reduced-care sod.

Specialty & Regional Grass Sod Options

Beyond the major warm and cool season grass varieties, some specialty and regionally-adapted sod options exist. These include prairie grasses like buffalo grass, salt-tolerant grasses for coastal areas, and niche high-end turf grasses like creeping bentgrass.

Buffalo Grass Sod

Native to the Great Plains, buffalo grass thrives on low moisture requirements and poor soils. Well-suited to the harsh climate of its native range, the fine gray-green color and minimal care needs of buffalo grass make it ideal for xeriscaping. As a warm season native grass, it greens up late spring through fall before going dormant after frost. Tolerating foot traffic better than other native grasses makes buffalo sod perfect for naturalized lawns or commercial sites with low maintenance expectations.

Seashore Paspalum Sod

With peaks of heat tolerance and salt tolerance superior to Bermuda and zoysia, seashore paspalum shows promise for Gulf coastal lawns facing soil salinity. Its tolerance of both saturated and droughty conditions also helps this newer warm season grass cope with storms and erratic rainfall. Field testing continues on improving cold hardiness and disease resistance. Currently best suited to sandy or salty environments where few other turfgrasses persist.

Creeping Bentgrass Sod

Prized for its fine-bladed dense texture and smooth surface, creeping bentgrass remains the gold standard for golf course greens and fairways. Its cultural requirements and input demands exceed other turfgrasses, requiring meticulous mowing, ample irrigation, and intensive fertility regimens. Use of bentgrass sod is generally limited to only the most meticulously maintained lawns, greens, tees, or sports fields. Improved bentgrass cultivars continue enhancing stress and disease resistance.

Choosing the Best Sod Grass for Your Situation

Selecting the ideal grass type and sod product involves weighing many factors including:

  • Climate conditions – Average rainfall, summer & winter temperatures, spring and fall transitions, humidity levels, etc.
  • Sunlight exposure – Areas of full sun versus partial or deep shade on your property
  • Soil characteristics – Texture (sandy, loam, clay), structure, pH, organic matter content, drainage
  • Intended use – Play space, pet yard, sports field, golf course, occasional picnics, etc.
  • Traffic tolerance – Will grass need to withstand frequent foot traffic, running, sports activities, etc.
  • Ongoing maintenance – Expectations for mowing frequency, irrigation, fertilization, pest control, etc.

Always consult local turfgrass experts for insights on sod varieties best suited to your specific conditions. A grass well-adapted to your climate, soils, and intended use requires less maintenance and inputs to thrive. Match the correct sod choice to your site characteristics and needs.

What About Sod Availability?

While the common warm season and cool season grasses are typically available as sod, some limitations exist in finding more unusual turfgrass varieties.

Availability challenges include:

  • Native prairie grasses like buffalograss or blue grama grass may only be harvested and sold as sod in limited regions where they naturally occur. These native grasses are sometimes only available as seed for establishment from scratch.
  • Newly developed proprietary turfgrass cultivars can take several years to propagate in sufficient quantities for commercial sod production. Until market supply catches up, new varieties will have sparse availability.
  • Local sod farms tend to specialize in either warm season or cool season grasses tailored to their climates. This can make buying certain grasses out of season difficult. For example, northern farms may not stock zoysia, centipede, or other heat-loving grasses unsuited to their region’s winters.
  • Specialty sods for golf course greens, like ultradwarf bermudagrass or creeping bentgrass, have very limited production centered around major sports turf markets.
  • Seasonal fluctuations occur in grass growth and harvesting cycles. Warm season grass sod is often in short supply early spring before green-up is complete in southern climates.

Checking local availability from sod farm suppliers and landscaping companies is highly recommended when sourcing specific varieties. This homework allows determining what’s readily available in your area versus grasses that may require custom ordering.

Start the planning and sourcing process well in advance for any less common sod needs. With some coordination between consumer demand and producer supply, specialty or off-season grasses can potentially be grown and scheduled for installation projects. But never assume any turfgrass variety can be harvested and delivered on-demand instantly. Careful research and planning is key to securing the perfect sod.


For instant lawn gratification this year, sod presents a fast track to transforming bare ground into an elegant turf. With mature grass plants and intact roots ready to roll out and rapidly grow, sod establishes quickly. But doing proper research up front and selecting the ideal grass variety for your climate, use patterns, and maintenance expectations is imperative.

Carefully factor in considerations such as sunlight, soil, traffic, intended use, and local climate when selecting sod. Consult regional experts for insights on which sod grasses perform best in your specific area. With the perfect sod for your site and attentive care after installation, you’ll soon enjoy a lush flawless lawn thanks to this convenient solution. Don’t settle for just any sod – seek out the ideal grass species for your lawn goals.

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